Raggedrobins were arranged as a centerpiece, and fluttering blue tissue butterflies marked the places.
Good-night, RaggedRobins; good-night, Poppies.
He supposes that in such a garden the principal plants will be Tiger-lilies, Cock's-combs, Larkspurs, RaggedRobins, Coltsfoots, Horse-chestnuts, Goose-berries, Dandelions, Foxgloves, and Dog-wood.
Uso de ragged-robin en inglés
They used to flit around the cinnamon pinks, larkspur, ragged-robins and tiger lilies, within easy reach of little fingers, every day.
Ragged-robin, yellow crowsfoot, purple orchis, filled the grass, intermixed with the blue of borage and the white and gold of the oxeye.
As I had no need to hurry, I loitered to pick ragged-robins upon the banks, flowers dear to me from old associations.